As urbanization and technology pervade our lives, the more disconnected we become with nature. And yet, even if you live in the best luxury home in the city, nothing beats the joy and tranquility you get from being outdoors. Living closer to nature can help you become a better version of yours in so many ways.

Being in nature, or even just viewing scenes of nature, can do wonders for your overall well-being. When people live close to nature, they actually begin to live better. It may even reduce mortality, according to some scientists.

Research claims that “residents surrounded by abundant vegetation within 800 feet of their homes have a 12% percent lower rate of mortality from any non-accidental cause” than most people living in non-green spaces. This is because residing near nature is found to enhance your mental health and physical activity.

It’s no secret that nature is an instant mood booster that can lift even the bleakest of spirits. But it can also bring scientifically proven health benefits you’ve never even considered.

A breath of fresh air 

The American Lung Association reports that over 50 million Americans or 45.8% of the population reside in counties with dangerous levels of ozone. These pollutants can trigger serious respiratory problems that may even be fatal in the long run.

Living in green spaces minimizes your exposure to pollution. Plants and trees provide clean and oxygen-rich air that refreshes our lungs and keeps us healthy.

Trees can also absorb harmful air pollutants. This means that the more trees there are nearby, the more protected you become from respiratory diseases.

Improved physical health

Apart from a steady supply of fresh air, living amongst nature can also enhance your physical health.

Studies show that being in nature can significantly reduce anxiety, blood pressure, muscle tension, and stress hormone levels. People who live in greener areas have a healthier immune system and stronger self-esteem, too.

Additionally, a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, discovered that “residential greenness” is directly linked to “lower levels of sympathetic activation, reduced oxidative stress, and higher angiogenic capacity.” In short, living in a green neighborhood can reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

The beauty of nature can also inspire you to get up and obtain the daily exercise you need to stay physically fit. Walking among trees and beautiful landscapes is a surefire way to boost your energy and optimism.

Mindfulness and relaxation 

Nature is a great antidote to loneliness and anxiety. Stunning sceneries and warm sea breezes can relax your mind and allow you to live in the moment.

The lack of urban disturbances like huge crowds and traffic noise can bring you inner peace and sharpen your focus. Without these distractions, you can relieve your brain of negative thoughts and put your mind at ease.

Living in properties surrounded by nature has been a lifelong dream for many people. After all, nature not only provides beauty but also nourishes your senses and spirit. Whether you’re eyeing woodside cottages in Wisconsin or waterfront lots in Lake Murray, there’s no doubt that living closer to nature can improve your quality of life.

Akanksha Bhardwaj

Akanksha Bhardwaj

I am a full-time mom and a part-time blogger and write about interior design on weekends. Blogging is my personal interest and interior design is something I die for. I love to check out inspiring interior designs and home decor ideas and also collect them on my blog. For any query or request you can drop me a mail on
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