With global warming flexing its muscles, the coming summer is expected to be hot again, with forecasts ranging from the 90s even to a hundred. To prepare for this, you just hired a noted company with A+ insulation certification to re-do your home insulation in preparation for the summer.
Your aging parents will be vacationing with you, and you want to make sure that their stay is as comfortable as possible. You know that the work you’re doing inside the house will help them. There’s always the air-conditioning system. But you’re worried once they go outside, which they love to do. You’re imagining the worst, like them suffering a heatstroke. So you’re also researching how sudden heatstroke can be prevented.
Here are a few things that you might be finding out.

Heatstroke in America

From 74 in 2014, the death toll attributed to heatstroke rose to 235 in 2017. And this is just in the state of Arizona, one of the hottest places in the USA. Nearly 5,800 people died because of extreme heat between 1999 to 2010.
Experts have been pointing to climate change as the cause of the drastic changes in temperatures, which then bring about wildfires and heatwaves. And these changes have a direct and long-lasting impact on the health of humans. A U.S. government research body further suggests that there will be more premature deaths by the end of the century.

Preventive Measures

We can’t control how and when the sun rises. But we can be both responsible and in-charge of the day-to-day environment we live in. Here are a few things you should think about to prevent heatstroke:

  1. Mind the symptoms. Dizziness, blurred vision, and nausea are some of the signs of heatstroke. If you’re at home but planning to go out and you’re experiencing these symptoms, do not push through with your plan. Chances are you are already experiencing some level of heatstroke. Stay put and rest and make sure that you inform your companion about how you are feeling. If you don’t have a fever, but your body temperature rises to nearly 104°F, it’s already a severe symptom of heatstroke.
  2. Clothing. What you wear is also essential. Wear something to cover your head like a hat or scarf. Wear the lighter shades for your clothing, and keeping them fit loose will make you more comfortable.
  3. Alcohol abstinence. You can catch up with your alcohol quota when the weather becomes more favorable. Do not consume too much alcohol when it’s too hot. Alcohol tends to make you get rid of body fluids faster than usual, according to the Center for Disease Control. Remain hydrated by drinking lots of water instead.
  4. Physical activity at night. Just because you’re a health buff doesn’t mean you will not suffer from heat exhaustion. If you can’t forego your daily exercise routine, do it when the sun is no longer up or when the temperature is much cooler.

These are easy steps that can save lives. Remember not to force the issue when it comes to extreme weather. Missing a trip to the grocery store and staying at home to rest, should always take precedence over going through with it. Your life and that of your loved ones are more important than the grocery item you wish to get.

Akanksha Bhardwaj

Akanksha Bhardwaj

I am a full-time mom and a part-time blogger and write about interior design on weekends. Blogging is my personal interest and interior design is something I die for. I love to check out inspiring interior designs and home decor ideas and also collect them on my blog. For any query or request you can drop me a mail on info@interiordesignology.com
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